18 September 2012

What can we learn from the ‘Deutsche Mentality’ towards historic building conservation? Kerrie Smith | The VAR Initiative Leonardo Blog

£2m conservation project in Boston unveiled by Heritage Lincolnshire | This is Lincolnshire

It has ramifications for town’s Conservation Area status - Letters - Hebden Bridge Times

Day school explores historic buildings (From Craven Herald)

Caithness stone used in clipper restoration

Ancient stones revealed on tapestry - The Art Newspaper

17 September 2012

New Stone Conservation Supplies features on our online shop!

We have been busy listening to what you would like to see added to our online shop and we now offer the following features:

1. Login or sign up with your Facebook, Google, linkedin or twitter account etc to save remembering another password to login!

2. You can share your purchase on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to let your friends and followers know what you have bought from us. Please link to our shop when possible as this helps us get known as we only started in May this year.

3. Online contact form - if you can't find what you need let us know! We'd love to hear from you.

If there are any other useful features you would like to see please drop me a line.

Happy shopping, Simon